Since the southwest side is so terribly under-served by arts organizations and other cultural institutions I wanted to post this real quick. Sorry I didn’t get it up sooner!


16mm Restoration Premiere!

Thursday, September 12th (6PM), Garfield Ridge Public Library

Chicago Film Archives, The Garfield Ridge Library and the Clear-Ridge Historical Society invite you to a special premiere of this newly restored film about the home front during the Vietnam War. Father Leonard Dubi, and select others who appears in the film, will be on hand at the screening to discuss the film.

8 FLAGS FOR 99 CENTS (1970, Mike Gray Associates, Chuck Olin, Joel Katz) was produced in response to President Nixon’s famous November, 1969 speech when he contrasted the unlawful and vocal anti-war protesters to the respectful “silent majority” who were in favor of remaining in Vietnam to fight communism. This film explores the thoughts and opinions of the “silent majority” represented by the folks living in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood on the southwest side of Chicago. The commentary that arose from the Garfield Ridge community turned the filmmakers’ expectations (as well as conventional wisdom of the times) on its head. Expecting to record pro-war and pro-government slogans and sentiments, the filmmakers were caught somewhat off guard by the thoughtful, nuanced, and distressed analysis articulated by those that were interviewed and recorded. Contractors, firemen, mothers, fathers, barbers, Vietnam vets and clerks have varied and layered thoughts on America’s involvement in the war. Residents of all ages speak to the war in this film with very little evidence of hostility between generations, shattering another iconic image of those politically tumultuous times.

When: Thursday, September 12, 2013
What Time: 6PM
Garfield Ridge Public Library
6348 South Archer
Chicago, Illinois, go to map
Admission: Free! (Donations Welcome)
More info:
Facebook event